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I clocked out at a company turn style the machine beeped as usual I proceeded to walk through the steel roller type turn style and was abruptly halted as the gate was locked. I asked the guard present at the security gate why the gate is locked he told me I must present myself for personal search just past the locked gate. I ask him to open the gate he says its open I proceed to walk through the gate as directed and again am brought to an abrupt stop by a locked turn style ,this time a little more painful than the first time. I ask the guard if he can unlock the gate again , he tells me again its open I didn't hear the mechanical electric lock unlock the gate and told him again it wasn't open he told me it was and wanted me to walk into it again. He clearly did not believe me so I pushed it twice with my foot, it stayed clearly fastened, the guard in the back yelled at me that that wasn't necessary,he was about 30 feet away and I had to talk in a raised voice and tell him the other guard told me it was unlocked even though at this point it was very evident that the gate was in fact still locked and preventing me from proceeding as directed by security to the personnel search I was required to submit to. I told him again if he would unlock the gate again ,this time I heard the electric mechanical lock release the turn style and proceeded to the search location as directed, no further complications or problems have a good night. My employer who is a contractor on this mine site where the security gate is was contacted by minesite and told I was not allowed on their minesite after this incident. My employer chose to dismiss me for not walking into the locked gate for the third time contrary to the company policy to maintain my safety and well being. Was i wrongfully dismissed

Thank you for contacting our firm.

Wrongful dismissal law is complex and we would require more information before advising you of your potential entitlements.

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The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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