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Been with company for 10yrs, I recently went through a super difficult time in my life. After I got through it, they (work) said that I "can not call in sick again". Fast forward to this past weekend, I had a back spasm, got trapped in bed and had to call in sick. I took the initiative by going to the dotocr, getting a doctor's note, and even dropping it off to my workplace. I come into work on Monday and come to find out, I was written up! Is this allowed??

If you have a medical issue your employer cannot write you up or threaten to terminate you for if, especially if you provide them with a medical note outlining your medical condition(s) and any limitations. if your employer engages in this conduct it could amount to a breach of the Ontario Human Rights Code. I recommend you speak with one of our employment lawyers to secure further information about this matter.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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