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I have been with a company for 9 mths, there were two of us hired to replace one position. I am 53 years of age and the other person is in their 20’s. The person in their 20’s is now doing the duties of a Supervisor and HR without officially having the title and doing a lot of work I am supposed to be doing. There is talk about letting people go come March or April 2020, and I know I am going to be one of them because the person that was hired with me is younger and they are investing in her by training her in different areas of the company. What are my legal rights when I am let go in the new year?

Thank you for your question.

Please visit to see how much you could be owed in the situation. If you believe that you are being let go because of your age, it could also be a human rights violation.

All of this can be discussed at a consultation, which you can set up by calling the number below. I would recommend that you call us as soon as you are let go (assuming that does in fact happen).
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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