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The company I work for has gone bankrupt, Motherhood Maternity and the manager who was hired to close my store has told all my co-workers that I am fired and cancelled my shifts. She was upset because I refused to work 5.5 hr shifts without a break. She has not, however, told me personally that I am fired. Please contact me ASAP and let me know what actions I should take.

If the Company has filed for bankruptcy and you bring an action against the company for wrongful dismissal, the action will be stayed pending the outcome of the petition for bankruptcy. If the Company is not bankrupt but is ceasing operating, you may still have a valid claim against the company for wrongful or constructive dismissal. Please review the Severance Calculator for your possible entitlements and contact our office for a consultation.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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