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Hi I just tried to contact your office but got voice mail. They say that they can’t trust me. I have lost their trust. The medication has been changing and that was why I was suffering from some of the side effects. As the medication gets into my body and levels off, it won’t effect me this way. I have worked for the school board for 17 years. Also if I have them fire me, can I still collect employment insurance? I really didn’t lye, I still don’t remember what happened. They wanted answers, so I gave them one. I also can’t argue with the video. My meeting is in about 1 hour.

We would need more information on the specifics of your situation as there are many factors to consider.

If an employee is terminated for cause, it may prevent them from being eligible for EI. This is also true if an employee voluntarily resigns.

You will need to make a consultation with our firm if you wish to discuss this matter in more detail.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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