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I have been dismissed without just cause because I did not say any negative answers to the CEO's hired private investigator for harassment in the workplace against the long term care home's chairperson of Family Council who is accused of such by one of the nurse manager who should be charged of unprofessional behavior and BULLYING in the Workplace. My boss has been saying discriminatory remarks & harassment during my employment. I am very well liked by staff as their staff educator, infection control and CQI facilitator.

Thank you for your question. You are entitled to severance and may be entitled to human rights damages. I would encourage you to visit the severance pay calculator our firm has developed to see what you are owed ( I would also encourage you to call us and set up a free and confidential consultation with one of our employment lawyers who will be able to able to fully review your matter.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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