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I was a elevator mechanic and have been for over 20 years and a Union member. Last year I had to have knee replacement ssurgery. I am 56 years old and on my return (modified duties) the company which I have worked for , for most of my career and had never had issues with , have done everything to make this difficult on top of knocking my pay down to 80%. Seeing as I was working my way back doing 4 hours a day - plus the pay decrease, I feel like they are penalizing me ... they are not letting me work in my trade. They are making me drive around delivering parts. The entire process has been negative and punitive. Is there nothing I can do ? They seem to think they can do what they want or I can quit and/ or take early retirement. Why should I have to do that when it was because of this job I need both my knees replaced. I have only done one at this point and I feel like I am being pushed out of my job. I guess I am of no use to them if I can’t slug anymore.

Unfortunately, if you are a unionized employee then you have no access to the courts and only your union can assist you against your employer. Your only other option would be to pursue a human rights complaint and claim discrimination on the basis of disability.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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