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I have been with my employer for 2 years. I drive a truck delivering ice cream to grocery aand variety stores. In the summer i average 50 hours per week and in the winter 40 hours. A couple of weeks ago my boss asked me to start doing a different route whic involved an auto tailgate and the use of a power jack. I informed him that i was not comfortable doing this without the proper training so he took 5 minutes to show me. I aagreed to do it but told him i was still uncomfortable doing it. I arrived at my first stop the next morning and proceeded to unload the product. I felt very uncomfortable and unsafe. I sent him a text telling him just that. When i arrived back at the warehouse i was told there was no work for me the next day and he would inform me when there was work. I only worked 10 hours that week and 9 the following. I haven't been called back since last tuesday. I am a 53 year old male and a type 1 diabetic as he is well aware. I now have not been able to pay my rent this month or been able to afford my insulin and supplies as i had no notice that i would be losing all my hours. Your advice would be greatly appreciated.

Please call us at the number below to speak with one of our lawyers. You may not be able to get your job back but you are entitled to a termination package to assist you financially while you are looking for new employment.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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