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My employer wrongfully dismissed me due to false allegations from a coworker that were later recanted... After being off for the last 7months they called me Tuesday and asked me to come back for this Monday...only to call back today and recant their offer... I worked there for over 20 years and this while situation had me suicidal... I just want my pension back... My employer was ford so I'm losing a great pension

My name is David Vaughan and I am an employment lawyer with Samfiru Tumarkin. Given the circumstances, it sounds like you should receive severance pay. Please visit the Severance Calculator ( for an estimate of your severance entitlements and contact our firm to discuss the matter in more detail and determine how we can assist you.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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