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I was hired as a supervisor in a represented manufacturing facility approx 8 months ago. I was on contract for the first 3 months and hired directly after the 3 month contract was completed.

I watched and heard the operations manager bad mouth and bully the other supervisor during that time until the other supervisor was eventually let go. I am now starting to see this operations manager exhibit this same behaviour towards me. I am afraid that I am now being set up to be let go. This situation is causing me a great deal of stress. What can I do to protect myself?

Firstly, if there are any incidents of bullying you need to set it out in writing, by which i mean that after the incident occurs you need to send an email to the manager outlining the incident and telling the manager to refrain from such harassment. That way if anyone questions what happened you have proof. If the incidents continue you need to escalate in writing your concerns to HR. If the incidents still persist then you have the option of claiming constructive dismissal.

I would suggest you contact us immediately for a consultation with a lawyer to discuss your employment situation.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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