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I was on a medical leave for a little over 2 1/2 years. I got approval from my doctor to return and my contact person through LTD created an 8 week return to work plan. My workplace kept putting it off and then asked me to attend a meeting in which they fired me. They accused me of trying to have a relationship with a client at work which I know never happened and have no idea where they came up with that idea. I wasnt allowed to ask any questions or be given any details so I basically was told I was guilty by them without a chance to even defend myself. From my Google searches I have learned that a workplace can fire you basically for whatever they want whenever they want, but I just want that to be confirmed by someone else. I find it odd that such accusations can be warranted without me being made aware of them but o understand that bosses have all the power and can do what they want. I was offered 3 months pay to never speak of what happened and to pretend that I was treated fairly by them. I think that's what bothers me the most...being offered money but having to lie about why i got it. I prefer to do things honestly which is why this feels so wrong to me. Thanks for your help in advance :)

Thanks for writing to us. Based on the information provided, it appears as though your disability may have been a factor in your employer's decision to terminate your employment, which is a breach of the Ontario Human Rights Code. In addition to payment in lieu of notice of your termination, you may be entitled to additional damages for the breach of your human rights. The amount of severance pay owed will depend on several factors. You can use our Severance Calculator (linked at the top of the page) to find how much you could be owed and call us at the number below as soon as possible to speak to a lawyer about your options. It is important that you do not sign anything until you receive legal advice.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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