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I got into a private argument with a friend (not at work) there were no threats or anything remotely illegal in the language of said argument. My friend then made it public and called my boss and complained about me. I was then suspended and they would not tell me if it was with or without pay, and hour later I was contacted to return my work key, which I did without any hesitation, at this point I was fired with the reason being my boss did not like the way I shook his hand. How is this legal?

Thank you for reaching out to our firm.

While an employer can generally legally terminate an employee at any time and for any reason, what is not legal is if they terminate an employee without just cause and do not provide notice or severance. In your case, we will want to know whether they had just cause to terminate and to determine that we will need more information from you.

Please phone the number below to schedule a consultation with one of our lawyers.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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