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I am a retail store manager where I’ve been employed for 9 years. My employer informed me today that they’re moving me to an equivalent retail store in Cambridge. The change is to take affect in 3 days. I have no transportation to work without losing 10+ hours/week with my family and 3 children under 5. The logistics of me working out of town will affect my family greatly. The strain of commuting will negatively affect my mental health which I struggle with and take medication for. I will be paying more money for childcare and transportation than I do currently walking to work around the corner from my home. I will also not be able to attend my 3 times/week medical appointments. I am going to refuse the transfer and I’m thinking of quitting if they don’t allow me to stay at my current location since moving to a new location would so greatly and negatively affect mine and my family’s life and they’ve given no notice where I could even potentially find new employment to suit me better. If they take a hard line on forcing me to move locations, could I potentially have a case for constructive dismissal?

Please contact us at the number below to book a free consultation with one of our lawyers. It appears from your description that you have objective reasons for turning down the transfer due to circumstances outside of your control. As such, if the company forces you to move locations you would be able to claim constructive dismissal and trigger your termination entitlements. We can guide you through the process so do not hesitate to reach out to us.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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