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My son was fired a few days before they say was his 3 month probation. He has pay stubs showing he was paid from the pay period Sept 9-22 2019. They fired him claiming he didn't meet the required performance. His supervisor and other senior line members stated he was doing more work than what was expected and they said the production supervisor was targeting him. Threatening his job because he was lifting boxes on a continual basis and had been on modified duties by the doctor. Then she was continously watching him like a hawk and if he spoke a word to anyone she would tell at him. And yelling at whomever he was speaking with. This lady did everything she could to make his job harder than it was. And made it so unbearable that he has become depressed. Now they fired him today the day before Christmas eve and several other workers said he didn't do anything wrong to be let go... what can my son do???

Thank you for your question. It is possible that your son may be entitled to severance even though he worked for less than 3 months.

Also, if your son was targeted as a result of being on an accommodation plan/modified duties, there may e a human rights violation.

Please contact us at the number below for a consultation, so that we can discuss this in more detail. Note that any claims for wrongful dismissal must be filed no later than 2 years after the date of notice of termination, and human rights claims must be filed at the tribunal no later than 12 months after the cause of action arose.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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