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I was terminated during my probationary period, the reason I was given was I was too stressed. They code on my ROE was M, I feel I was wrongly dismissed should I sue? This has caused me to become emotionally stressed

Hello, and thank you for your question.

Despite the fact you were terminated during the probationary period, you may have severance entitlements under common law. This would greatly depend on whether or not you signed an employment agreement prior to commencing your job, as well as the specific wording of said agreement (if one exists).

Moreover, if you were terminated because of your medical issues, you may have a human rights claim against your former employer as well.

Please call us at the number below to discuss your matter further. We would be happy to help.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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