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I was threatened by a co-worker at work close to end of shift. I let my supervisor know immediately as soon as I could. The next work day nothing had been done. I had to bring it up again before being asked to write a complaint. The next day HR sat me down and took my story and said an investigation would be done and I would be sent home with pay. When i returned to work, after preshift, I was taken to the office and they said they did an investigation and decided to terminate me with out cause. I aksed why and and what is the happening to the guy who threatened me and they said confidently. They got me to sign an agreement for a 6 week severance, stating that If I didn't I would only be able to get a 2 week severance...
Was I wronged? I believe so


It definitely sounds like your employer engaged in an illegal reprisal against you for bringing forth a reasonable complaint and enforcing your rights. Unfortunately, if you signed the release document you have very likely released any and all claims you may have against the company in exchange for receiving the additional pay. If that is the case, you cannot go after the employer for more. If they made you sign the Release under duress and on the spot this is an issue and you may be able to argue it is unenforceable. I recommend that you contact our office to schedule a consult with one of our lawyers so we can better review your situation and determine any entitlements you may have.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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