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I work for a business that was done by contract that did not renew yearly but just continued on and less there is significant changes. My employer in the past has told me that he cannot afford me and doesn’t have enough work for me as I have not work for him now in over a year but has also told me that he is looking to bring in a new intern or a junior employee was that the spirit. Am I entitled to severance from my employer as he has now informed me that he was going to fill out my record of employment there by ending my employment with him but his still maintain that he was going to look for two other individuals potentially to fill my job. this job was a part-time/full time job for me as I was also working full time outside this business. Am I entitled to any type of severance as I still am willing to work for this employer?

Thank you for your question.

This does sound like a situation that you would be entitled to severance. To find out how much you could be entitled to, please visit Kindly note that any claims for wrongful dismissal expire two years from the date of your notice of termination, so it is important to act quickly.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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