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I’ve worked at a bar/restaurant since February 2016. We were told they were closing for renovations &
Typed a paper to be signed by us saying ‘please be advised as of May 31 the restaurant will be closing to undergo renovations. Further details are to follow ‘ Their name &’had us sign it. I haven’t heard from them. See posts on Instagram that they are re opening June 14, found out from another comworker that they had a meeting June 11’going over the new menu &’employee handbook & I messaged my boss & no response & no invite to the staff meeting.
One other employee who’s been employed over 4 years also didn’t get a call to the meeting. I believe thy fired me. What are my rights and would they owe me 2 weeks pay in lieu of notice plus 3’weeks severance pay. What are my legal rights? Never been written up or had a single complaint, never called in sick and always covered extra shifts. Worked approx 25-35 hours per week

It definitely sounds like you have been terminated, in which case you are owed severance. Please see the link below to use our severance calculator, which will provide you with an estimate regarding your severance entitlements. You should contact the number below to speak with one of our employment lawyers so we can discuss your matter further and better assess your entitlements.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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