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I have recently been wrongfully terminated. I had decided to settle as I didn't want to put a target on anyone who may be called at an arbitration. I had sent a number to the company to settle, but I just can't live with that. They have slandered me and fired me after leaving me 3 years with a manager that has harassed me to exhaustion. I was a senior member of the organization and I believe it was a contributing factor. Can you please tell me if I can change my mind after sending a settlement number to the company? Thank you.

Thanks for writing to us. If you have not signed any settlement documentation, you are not obliged to settle on the basis of the number that you already sent the company. I strongly suggest that you contact us at the number below in order to seek legal advice about your termination entitlements prior to agreeing to any settlement. We would be happy to help you in any way that we can. In the interim, you can use our Severance Pay Calculator (linked at the top of this page) to find out how much you could be entitled to receive.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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