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I was recently let go yesterday. I worked there a year as an apprentice. I was driving the fork lift - which I did daily. No formal training or certification. I was stopping, where I was stopping there was ice and the fork lift didn't stop and slid into a door.

I was given 2 weeks pay and my vacation pay out. They have extended it to say my last pay period is the week of March 5th ending.

Hi Connor,

Thank you for your question.

Even though you were provided with 2 weeks' pay in lieu of notice, you could be entitled to much more, depending on things such as whether you ever signed a contract, and whether the company can make the argument that you were reckless in operating the forklift (leading to the endangerment of the health of other employees).

I recommend that you contact our firm to schedule a consultation. From there we will be able to gather further information and be in a better position to fully advise you as to your rights and entitlements.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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