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I am a 28 year employee and I have been dismissed with cause for an inappropriate email sent to another employee. Although I had no direct supervisory attachment to the pro national employee who was dismissed for performance issues even before I was notified, would I be entitled to severance since I was two months prior to my retirement. I was suspended for two months and then dismissed on my early retirement date. My suspension was also responsible for a break in service to my pension and I feel like I was punished three times for my first offence. While I accept responsibility for the Inappropriate text message, I believe I have been punished three times. The employer also refused to pay my over 800 hours of locked in docked time I had accrued. I’m currently six months into my 24 months LTD. can I be suspended and then dismissed and have my sick time withdrawn and am I entitled to a severance package after 28 years. Lastly the person who led my investigation the second in command who I had accused of having an inappropriate relationship with an. Unionized employee was also fired a month after me and I believe my harsh punishment was a reprisal for reporting him. Complicated, understood.


My name is Andrew Goldberg and I am an employment lawyer at Samfiru Tumarkin.

Due to the nature and complexity of the issues you noted in your question above, I would recommend that you reach out to me directly at so that we may arrange for a formal consultation.

You may also contact us at the number below.

Thank you

The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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