Top Questions and Answers Ask your question and an employment lawyer in Ontario, BC or Alberta will answer in minutes Your Question * FOR EMPLOYEES FOR EMPLOYERS Your Email * Your Name * Your City Feedback Note, your name, city and email is not displayed on the website. It is used to notify you that we have answered your question. I'm being terminated without cause and for the last 5 years I've worked in a senior management head office position without an employment contract. I've requested a severance package in writing so I can sign it before proceeding with my compensation. I requested more than the provincial minimums in Canada. And 7 days before I was informed of my lay off, I also witnessed the company lay off over 20 other staff from a different department. Knowing that myself and many of these staff have received offers for bare minimums in severance pay, could the other 20 staff also request more appropriate compensation than the minimums? And if the company doesn't cooperate with any of us could this become a class action lawsuit?I was terminated with cause (dishonesty ) , they accused me of smoking a cigarette in an office that i have access to via scan card(I am a smoker), they informed me that they have proof of me going into the office but they do not have any proof of me actually smoking in the office except for a smell of smoke in the office , After 2 weeks of investigation they called me on the phone and informed me that i was terminated for dishonesty due to the fact i was being dishonest during the investigation that they have no actual proof of myself smoking , they have proof via cctv of me going into the office but actual proof of me smoking . Do I have cause to sue for unlawful dismissal? fyi since i was terminated with cause and i was told by Hr that i am not getting any severanceAs a salaried employee who also earns a bonus, is the company supposed to pay vacation time on bonuses earned? I am entitled to 4 weeks’ vacation annually but only ever takes about 1; is the company supposed to pay for unused vacation time when I retire/resign?My employer is forcing me to move to a new production facility, it's a 2 hour commute for me to do this. Can they force me to change locations?Is it perceived to being fired when a Supervisor screams over the top of his lungs, "you're a fucking idiot, and if you don't like it, go the fuck home!" Also, is this a sort of violence or harassment?   Next Page 1 of 711