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Can you be fired for not showing up to a shift?

Generally an employer has the ability to terminate an employee at any time, without even having to provide a reason why, so long as it is a 'without cause' termination and you are provided your termination entitlements. In some instances, an employer may have grounds to allege cause for termination, such that they do not need to pay you any termination/severance entitlements.

It is very difficult for an employer to allege just cause, especially if you have only missed one shift and if you had a valid explanation for missing the shift. I highly recommend you contact the number below to speak with one of our employment lawyers so we can further assess your matter, as you could be entitled to severance.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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