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I was dismissed after my WSIB claim closed, I never once had a review or a write up with the company always told I was doing a great job.. would I have a case against them for wrongful dismissal

Hello, and thank you for your question.

First and foremost, please visit to determine whether you were provided an adequate severance package.

Furthermore, if your employment was terminated because you filed a a WSIB claim, this can be considered a form of discrimination under the Ontario Human Rights Code. In turn, you would be entitled to additional human rights damages on top of your severance.

If you have any concerns regarding your severance offer, please call us at the number below BEFORE signing any settlement documents (including a Release).

Thank you
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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