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Can an employer give your job away without telling you they are letting u go for no reason I came in when ever they needed me and if I worked 1 hr that all they paid me for I was hired to do a curtain job nothing else so after I complete the job I would tell them they say ok we will text u when we have more I just found out they hired someone else to do my job never told me anything I asked if I was fired never answered me I told my boss I was coming I. To get my stuff next week never said I quit and he didn't answer me if I was fired at all we talk Friday o asked if they were looking for someone else he said no and that he givee the respect of telling me

Thank you for your question. Your employer can terminate your position for no reason. However, if your employer ends your employment, then generally speaking, the company is going to owe you severance.

If your employer has not confirmed that you have been fired, you should confirm in writing with your manager/supervisor/direct superior whether you may continue coming into work, and whether you still have a job (even if you have done this verbally already, it would be better to do so in writing). If the company does not respond, you can write to them again (ideally by email) confirming that if you do not hear from them by a certain date you will consider yourself to be fired.

However, it would be best if you could call us at the number below to discuss this in more detail.

Please note that any entitlements to wrongful dismissal expire two years after the date you were first given notice of your termination.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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