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My employment terminated last March without cause. I have worked 6.5 years. The employer paid 16 weeks. I have asked 10 more weeks and 26 weeks for Warrant Bump-up. The employer did not follow our politic and procedure during the interview. Very humiliating and degrading. By Email, the employer asked me if I had found a job or received any monies? Can he ask these questions?
Since I was fired, I'm on sick leave with the support of my doctor. Should I let the employer know?
Thanks in advance for your feedback!

The employer is allowed to ask this question as it is relevant to your legal entitlements. Please contact us at the number below for a consultation with a lawyer to discuss your employment situation.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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