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Can someone be fired with cause for blurting out profanity during a conference call, while thinking they were on mute but were not? The profanity had nothing to do with the call, but instead was directed at a driver during an episode of road rage during the call.

When it comes to termination for just cause, each case will ultimately be assessed on its own unique facts. At the end of the day proving just cause for termination is up to the employer to prove, and it can be a very high threshold for an employer to meet, especially if there is no prior misconduct or wrongdoing by an employee.

While blurting out profanity on a conference call would likely be grounds for some form of disciplinary action, it is less likely it would amount to just cause. However, this ultimately could depend on your employment history and the position you are in.

If you have been terminated I highly recommend that you contact the number below to speak with one of our employment lawyers so we can further review this with you.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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