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I was fired with the explanation of "work performance" I worked for this company since September 2016 as a dental assistant, I wanted nothing more but this position, on February 2017 I was told to take over as office manager I had no experience and I told them this. I was thrown into a position with no training no guidance no supervision, nothing at all. I had to teach myself how to run this office on my own, figure out how to do all the monthly paperwork with no one there to show me or help me. I had to figure out how to do payroll for our dentist by myself once again with no help at all. And as of yesterday with no warning , no expaltion I was blindsided with dismissal papers and them forcing me to sign them or I was not allowed to leave office and my pay would be with held according to them. I have witness about all of this

Thank you for your question. Please give us a call at the number below as soon as possible to discuss your situation in more detail. If you did sign those dismissal papers, it's extremely important that you deal with this right away. We would also need to review any employment contract or offer letter you signed when first hired.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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