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I got fired a month ago for missing a shift. They still have not payed me for 8 shifts(around 60-65 hours). My chef says he thought I got payed. Therefore he needed to do a stop payment. Which I didn’t understand since I never received money. When brought up to him again, he says it should be here soon and says there was an issue therefore they had to stop payment. The last shift i missed was the Sunday before pay week on Friday so it does not make sense that they thought I already had my money. Can I get extra compensation for this, I have been waiting for this money as it is delaying certain bill payments.

Thanks for your question. Your former employer has a legal obligation to provide you with all earned wages. You are also most likely owed payment in lieu of reasonable notice of termination. You can use our Severance Pay Calculator (linked at the top of the page) to find out how much you could be owed and give us a call at the number below in order to speak with a lawyer about your legal recourse options.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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