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I was fired over the phone from a job working as a concrete labourer. My last day worked was Nov 07/19 and I was called by my employer on Nov 11/19 and fired. No notice was given. I have received vacation pay owed to me, my pay from hours worked that I was owed but no severance pay. I have been told by several people I am entitled to one week pay for each year worked and I have been there since April 20/2016. Please advice. I am going on Mon 25th to apply for EI.

Most employees are owed more than one week per year of service by way of termination pay, depending on a number of factors, including any terms you may have signed when you were hired. Please contact us at the number below for a thorough assessment of your situation that will allow us to make a recommendation for how to proceed.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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