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I am inquiring on behalf of a friend who was unjustifiably fired by a Tim Hortons manager.
Can she file a complaint and claim lost wages? What number form is used.

Thanks for your question. Your friend is almost certainly owed payment in lieu of reasonable notice of termination (i.e. severance pay). If your friend files a complaint with the Ministry of Labour, they will be limited to the bare minimum in the province, which is likely a lot less than their full termination entitlements. Before going to the Ministry of Labour, they should speak to an employment lawyer. Your friend can use our Severance Calculator to find out how much they could be owed and call us at the number below to discuss their entitlements with a lawyer.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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