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I was sent a letter terminating me on tuesday of next week (june 18/19). I belong to a union and they told me to ‘simply retire’. The letter states i did not hand in sick notes (false) , i did not attend two meetings regarding my absence (true - harassment and ptsd kept me from attending with a physical neck injury).
I told my union i would not retire and they stopped communicating with me. Myunion president is part ofthe reason i am off.

Thank you for your question.

Generally speaking, if you belong to a union, they are the only ones who can advocate for you under the collective agreement. That being said, it sounds like you may have a case for breach of your human rights on the basis of age and/or disability, potentially against the union and/or your former employer.

In this regard, kindly note that the limitation period for human rights claims is within one year after the incident to which the claim relates. As such, if you choose to take any action it is recommended that you act as quickly as possible.

Should you wish to arrange a consultation, please contact us at the number below.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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