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I currently live in acton and work in Guelph on, it takes me approx 30min to get to work (2in consulting’s google maps. I was notified last week that I am being moved to Oakville which is an additional 20min each way (consulting google maps) not taking into consideration rush hour traffic. I’m am guessing it will take approx 1hr to get to work not factoring in potential accidents/weather. My current commute to work is approx 30min consistently. I work for a large corporation who has consistently been letting people go for approx 2.5yrs now. I have a young family and a husband who is currently off work because he had a stroke. I can not handle this commute and moving closer to Oakville is not an option. It is very expensive and we would have difficulty obtaining a mortgage and affording a bigger mortgage due to my husbands medical (not working) situation. I believe that I being constructively dismissed. What are my rights an an employee. I have worked for the company fir 12yrs and I am 39 years old.

Thank you for your question.

Before you take any action, it is very important you speak to an employment lawyer. Whether a forced transfer constitutes a constructive dismissal will depend on the circumstances. Sometimes it may not be, but rather a resignation. Your case certainly sounds like it could be a constructive dismissal, but before you leave your job, please speak with us at the number below.

We recommend that you do so right away, because if you wait too long it may be deemed acquiescence, and there is also a two year limitation period.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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