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I am currently on maternity leave and my claim ends June 15th. I was set to return to work June 17th. I had been trying to set up a meeting for a couple months to get the paper work signed and discuss return details. They finally asked me to come on on June 3rd after hours and told me my job has been terminated because of the new computer system making it obsolete.
They offered me a temporary contract position doing my job for up to (but not guaranteed) 15 hrs a week (previously 37.5) until December ( but can be terminated at any time and most likely will be) or I can take the package they are offering me. They advised I would be best to take the package as I will gain the most financially from it. I started with the company through a placement agency February 2016 and was signed on June 2016.
They have advised they have spoken with a lawyer and he said they only legally have to offer my 2 weeks pay in lieu of notice but as a kindness to me they are offering an addition four weeks (6 total) and I can keep my benefits until July 29th.
I shpild also mention there is a full time contract position in our customer care department covering another woman on maternity leave and I when i asked about it they said I was not a fit and that their lawyer saud they were not obligated to offer it to me.
I am a single mother with no support from the father and I am just looking to find out my rights after maternity leave and hoping someone can help me before I sign this Paper work.

Thank you for your question. It's extremely important that you speak with one of our employment lawyers or paralegals right away. There are a number of issues here to discuss, including the amount of severance you have been offered and fact that the company may not have had the right to end your employment having just come back from parental leave. Please give us a call at the number below as soon as possible. We would be happy to assist in any way we can.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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