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During maternity leave I wasn’t informed of a potential promotion . When I learned of the role and approached my then boss I was told that they were looking for someone with much more experience than I had which lead me not to apply for the role. I am returning to work in two weeks and was contacted by our VP of HR to be noticed that someone was hired for the role but upon reviewing her experience , she possesses less years of qualification than I have. I will be returning to my current role but was also told that the person who directly reports into me will no longer report into me but into this new person

My name is David Vaughan and I am an employment lawyer with Samfiru Tumarkin. While an employer is required to return you to your previous role (or something comparable) after returning from parental leave, it is not required to give you a promotion. With that said, if you can show that you were not considered or given a promotion because of your parental leave, it's possible this could amount to discrimination under human rights legislation.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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