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Offered a voluntary exit package. Will i qualify for EI benefits?

If the employer is framing the voluntary exit package as a 'without cause' dismissal so as to entitle you to severance you should be entitled to receive EI benefits after the severance pay period has expired. However, it really depends on what the Company notes on your Record of Employment as the reason for dismissal. If the ROE does not indicate that you quit, then you should be entitled to EI. You can inquire with the Company about this. In any event, even if you are offered a voluntary exit package you should never sign/accept the package without first reviewing it with an employment lawyer to ensure it is adequate. I highly recommend you contact the number below to speak with one of our employment lawyers so we can review the package for you.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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