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I was offered employment in a remote town up in Northwestern Ontario. They asked me to come up within weeks of receiving the offer and I gave up my apartment, my job and left all my belongings behind and packed my clothes and came. I was working as a child care worker for exactly 3 months and when I walked into work, they told me I was terminated. It was due to a condition on my criminal record check but they had no more to offer me on this. I got my 3 week pay which was short all my overtime from being on call during the Easter holidays. I am now stuck here and am very worried as to what I will be able to do now. My age is 54. They also owe my expenses from traveling which is part of my job. I haven’t received any of this since I started 3 months ago and it is calculated to approximately $1500. They gave me no answers to any severance or when this willl be paid. I am thinking I have a law suit against this organization. I am a social worker who has worked in this field for about 10 years and never had an issue.

You are clearly entitled to be reimbursed for the expenses you have incurred and you are also entitled to a severance package. Please use the following link to determine your entitlements upon termination ( and then contact us at the number below for a consultation with a lawyer to discuss your situation and options moving forward.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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