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I passed the 3 mth probation by 1 month. But owner hired a person in my department after my probation. Now I am told that i am being let go because there is no space for me. He told me this is my notice of termination and my last day is in 2 weeks.

I did NOT get a written notice of termination. But i am expected to work until my last day. Do i need to work? Am i not supposed to get paid for being terminated for no just cause?

Can i do anything if he doesnt give me a written notice of termination? Because as of right now i am working for the money he is going to pay me. I was replaced for no good reason or warning.

You are required to work during the working notice provided by your employer but you are entitled to more than two weeks of notice, unless you signed a contract that says otherwise. Please contact us at the number below for a legal assessment of your termination entitlements.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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