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Amongst the rampant theft, and people being written up for acts of physical violence, my co op kid was hit by a train in front of my work. Only the beginning. My work put me on disabled list. I've lost every thing. I need help. Please. 12 year employee. I've been diagnosed with PTSD ect. 3 suicide attempt in a year. One by motorcycle at 100km an hour. I only broke bones and shattered my insides. All can be easily proven. I only want what's fair. They know this. But won't lay me off. I've lost everything. Please help

We are sorry to hear about your situation. As a starting point, please seek professional help immediately if you are in danger of harming yourself.

This appears to be a WSIB matter as it relates to a workplace injury. As such, I would recommend that you contact the WSIB to open up a case for you as soon as possible if you have not already.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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