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I slipped and hurt my knee in the lumber yard where I work due to ice and then I filed a wsib as I am supposed to do. They fired me that same day at end of day and since I was a week and a half short of my 3 months and they wrote down they fired me for being inadequate on the paper. They never mentioned that there was a problem prior.

My name is David Vaughan and I am an employment lawyer with Samfiru Tumarkin. Your employer's decision to terminate your employment due to the fact that you suffered a workplace injury constitutes a wrongful dismissal entitling you to severance pay. Further, their actions likely amount to a violation of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, Employment Standards Act, 2000, and Ontario Human Rights Code (or other applicable legislation). Please contact our firm to discuss this matter in more detail and determine how we can assist you.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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