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I am on stress /sick leave from work . And was told to call into work every week at 10am on tuesdays . I’m not sure why they want updates every week when my doctor says I’m on stress/sick leave I failed to call in on 1 week and forgot ... then second week I called in late so I didn’t not totally comply , was sent a letter stating I was being terminated for not calling

Thank you for contacting our firm.

Employers are permitted to make reasonable inquiries into an employee's prognosis in order to know a possible return date. It is a question of whether, in the circumstances, it was reasonable for your employer to require you to call in on a weekly basis.

Even if it was reasonable to request you call in on a weekly basis, employers face a high bar when terminating an employee for cause. Every case is fact specific, but you may have been wrongfully dismissed and therefore entitled to damages as a result of your employer's conduct.

We would need more information before advising on your potential claim. If you would like to arrange a consult you can contact us at the number below.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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