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I was let go on Sunday night with a text I received at 730 pm, stating I was not needed and not to come in, no prior write ups or documentation of wrongful doing. Is it allowed to be terminated on that short of notice with no prior write ups?

Thank you for reaching out to our firm.

Unfortunately, and generally speaking, an employer can terminate an employee at any time and for any reason. That said, that does not mean that the employee is not entitled to severance. As this does not sound like a just cause dismissal, then you are likely entitled to severance. To get an idea of how much, you can visit:

If you would like to schedule a consultation with one of our lawyers, please contact the number below. We would be happy to help you any way that we can.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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