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I have been teaching yoga for almost 4 years at a retirement residence. I got an email less than 24 hours before I was due to teach saying due to budget restraints I’m no longer needed. I’ve been there 4 years twice a week as an independent contractor. Is this cause for a complaint?

The company can terminate your contract and a true independent contractor is not entitled to severance pay (unless there is an entitlement in the contract). However, many individuals who are treated as "independent contractors" are actually "dependent contractors" or employees at law. If you are in reality a dependent contractor or employee, you will be entitled to severance pay in these circumstances. Please contact our firm to discuss the matter in more detail and determine how we can assist you.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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