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I was terminated with cause after 19 years as a mecanic, i didn't have many issues over 17 plus years but went through separation etc over last 1.5 years and had some mistakes in my job , which they documented and suspended for .last one I was fired for cause. None of my mistakes were purpose or meant to happen, never late, or rarely sick in 19'years and they try to give $5000 to be good faith . Does this fall under non wreckless or since documented do I have a recourse

It is very difficult for an employer to establish just cause for termination, especially after 19 years of service. Based on the information you have provided, it does not appear that the Company has just cause to terminate your employment. Therefore, you should receive your full termination pay entitlements which, based on your length of service, are likely significant. To determine how much severance pay you may be entitled to, please visit the severance pay calculator ( Also, please contact our firm to discuss this matter in more detail and determine how we can assist you recover your legal entitlements.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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