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I was recently terminated from my company for using the word "gaaaaaaay" on a company website, which i didnt even know was a company website. It was said in the original meaning of the word which is light hearted and care free, but was taken completely out of context. On my termination letter it states that i am hateful and homophobic, even though i am not. I have gay friends and i am bisexual myself. Is there any steps to take to get my job back or should i look to find new employment?

Thank you for your question. I would recommend that you contact us for a consultation.

One inappropriate comment is typically not just cause for dismissal, without more. The law cannot give you your job back if you are provincially regulated and non-unionized, but we may be able to help you get your severance. Kindly note that the deadline to file any claims is two years from your notice of termination, so we would recommend contacting us as soon as possible.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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