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Was told restructuring department. Affecting around 15 people.
Total change of job, job title, hours. Ask them about hours, nothing could be done. 2.5 hours earlier with new job. Also a clause saying work on call may be needed. So hours could be 6-2200.
Also training for new job. And my job now that they stated would be redundant would be given to a supervisor making a few dollars more an hour.
They gave me a letter for a package and put reason for dismissal personal reasons. Which was never discussed. I only mentioned that getting up at 430 Am wasn’t good for my health.

Thanks for writing to us. You are almost certainly owed reasonable payment in lieu of notice. Use our Severance Pay Calculator ( to find out how much you could be owed and give us a call at the number below to receive legal advice on the package that has been offered to you. It is extremely important that you do not sign or agree to anything until you receive legal advice.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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