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I work for a large hotel chain and it has been sold. The new owners take over at the end of the month. If the new company keeps all managers as I am do they have to offer me the same position and salary.
I look forward to your response

The new owners are not required to offer you new/continued employment. If they don't, your current employer will be obligated to pay you your termination/severance entitlements. If the new owners offer you a comparable position and you do not accept it, your termination entitlements will be limited to your statutory minimums from your current employer. If the new owners offer you a new position that is not comparable in nature, you are not necessarily required to accept it. If it is not comparable you and you don't accept it, you may be entitled to more severance than your statutory minimums under common law. Once you receive more information as to the status of your employment upon the change in ownership, you should definitely contact our office to schedule a consult with one of our lawyers so we can review your matter further and determine your best course of action.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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