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I worked for a Cadbury chocolate from 93 to 09, I had a car accident in 2/07. I fractured my knee in the accident with some minor injuries as well. I stayed home from day one of accident, went back in July till I couldn't get up any more. I ended having some knee surgery, where they replaced my knee completely. I was home till October 09 when I tried to returnt to work on modified. The zHR lady said no cause I was injured outside the plant. I heard they were offering severance packages to low seniority employees, so I asked what they would offer me. I got $14,000 minus deduction, my severance was $9000.00. I guess there's nothing I can do know since time has past. I,m 53 years old at the time of this I was 44 years old and my yearly income was $45,000.

Thank you for your question. If more than 2 years has passed since your notice of termination, then your limitation period has expired and unfortunately, generally speaking there would be nothing that can be done.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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