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I have worked for a company for five years. I was fired because " I wasn't a good fit". I am a women and had women in my work place that did not like me. I had done a lot for my work place and brought in a lot of business. Every time they said I couldn't do something. I did it . They were jealous. I even made it on the national news. I work with one manager and he never did anything to resolve the issue. The girls went to another manager in the same city and he started the ball rolling with the Human Resource office in another city. He failed to inform the office that he had a sexual encounter with one of the girls and was still infatuated with her. Back to my manger. He never wrote me up for anything. I was nominated twice the past two years for employee of the year for a pretty big national company. I also have to add that my manager made sexual advancements towards me in the last couple of months. We do not have an HR manager in the city. The managers handle everything. There for I felt like I had no place to go for help.

Based on all of the issues you have raised it is best for you to speak further with one of our employment lawyers so we can more thoroughly discuss the matter and assess your entitlements. Aside from your severance entitlements arising from your termination, there could be grounds for additional damages against the employer stemming from the sexual harassment in the workplace. This sounds concerning and you should not sign off on any severance package offered to you by the employer without consulting a lawyer first.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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