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I was working for a company for 10 months about two months before I was fired they told us that we had to work mandatory Saturdays it wasn't like that when I first got hired they told me that Saturdays we're optional so on the one Saturday I couldn't make it in the Friday I told my supervisor and he said that if I didn't come in i would end up getting fired and of course I didn't come in on the sat and on Monday I end up getting fired I later learned to find out a boat two weeks after I got fired mandatory Saturdays were cancelled

My name is David Vaughan and I am an employment lawyer with Samfiru Tumarkin. The company should not have terminated your employment for cause based on your refusal to agree to a schedule change. Therefore, you should receive severance pay. Please visit the severance calculator ( for an estimate of your severance entitlements and contact our firm to discuss the matter in more detail.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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